Things to Consider Before Starting Your Feasibility Study

Choose a doable product or service.

Many students regret their chosen product or service due to its complexity. When thinking of a product or service for your adviser’s approval, don’t just go for what looks great. Oftentimes, what looks great is hard to achieve. 

Think of a product or service that aligns with your expertise and budget. The more you know about a product or service the easier it is to accomplish. Your offer does not need to be costly for it to be good, most of the time all you need is creativity.

Don't try to cram your research.

Most students who got a verdict of major revision or redefense are those who cram their research. You don’t want that to happen, do you?

You cannot finish everything in one week, needless to say, one night before the deadline. Feasibility study requires a lot of time and effort. It’s not something you can ask ChatGPT or any AI to do for you.

Start ahead of time as it may require a lot of revisions. Moreover, by the nature of feasibility studies, it may require you to do surveys, prototypes or actual products, marketing campaigns, floor plans, financial statements, etc. and it usually takes a lot of time to complete.

Seek expert guidance.

One way to get a minor revision on your defense is to have it revised as many times as needed prior to your graded presentation.

To do so, you may need to consult your adviser or an expert in the field you are working with. Their input may be beneficial for you to see and revise the matters you may have missed.

Some feasibility study requirements might not be even taught to you like floor plans, financial statements, or even a computer program if your business requires one, for which you may need to commission or seek guidance from a professional.

Need help with your feasibilty study?

Contact Feasib Accountant to help you with your feasibility study, especially on the financial aspect of your research.

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